Walk-in showers, separate stand-alone tubs, it’s all the rage! So what makes a great walk-in shower? Well, it starts with reviewing the use case of the room, the light, and the location. Is this a darker room, a master bedroom with tons of light, or a basement guest bathroom that barely will be used?
  1. Consult with me, your REALTOR, and your friend. I can help. That’s maybe why you’re reading this too.
  2. Select a tile guy you trust and can get excited to be on his schedule. Hey an estimate and get on his job list, could be weeks, months, or even 6+ months out!
  3. Consider the room.
This shower has gray tones to be modern yet simply timeless. Black tiles are trendy and more modern but will show water spots so having the floor tile dark with white grout consider your water.
Love how this feels like concrete without the cost and can be used in all areas of the home, up, down, or the main level.
Go frameless, it’s a thing and doesn’t cost a lot more but gives the room more of a designer and premium feel.
Rainshower is also just the way the plumbing is set up and it’s that much harder, have you ever had a rain shower? Thank me later.
Party shower anyone?
Ok, this bold and fun pattern isn’t for everyone but was chosen thoughtfully as this is the basement guest bath. It rarely is used yet is a design element of the lower-level bath.
The graphic shapes can feel trendy but yet the soft white accents and gray floor balance this class act.
Adding a bench is a must when able. Think old and young and a quick shave.
Add towel hooks inside the shower for maximizing space and function while guests could be staying while you're hosting a party or gathering. Who wants their towel by the sink or behind the door? (Not me).
This party bathroom is at my own home, so I have it extra punch and we were happy with the rain shower addition and frameless look as it works great when Nana and Papa visit.
Remember the goal of the bathroom, stay inspired, and learn from each other! Your friend,
Tricia Jo

Work With Tricia Jo

Tricia Jo is on the go and has gained the trust and skills to negotiate and lead challenging market conditions with results-focused design and marketing tactics to maximize equity for homeowners. Contact Tricia Jo today to discuss all your real estate needs!

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